Ini nih yang mestinya jadi
roh dan jiwa setiap pikiran, perkataan, dan perbuatan saya sebagai muslimah. This
should be the center of everything. Allah SWT’s blessing and His promises
should be enough up-and-beyond reasons for me, as a Moslem. However, it is
easier said than done. In Indonesia,
with more than 75% Moslem population, Islam is everywhere. It means for me –who is not
going out much that bound– 95% people I met every day in Commuter Line, at the station, at work, at the market, in city’s
public space, are Moslems. I should have been so
lucky that my life goes around the world that works in Islamic way, terorinya sih begitu. There is almost no outside barrier whatsoever
for us to practice and implement our good deeds.
Did I
witness Islamic values and norms always being in place? Ternyata enggak juga. Apalagi di Jakarta, kota yang kejam ini (kata Miss
K). With so many interpretation of Islamic values and norms in our society,
what I saw was more and more people violating human rights in the name of Islam (or not, sometimes it’s simply due to ignorance). Or
people surrender to superstitious, magical premise, instant solution offered by
religious leaders in various levels in our communities. Or people discharging themselves
from their faith because they feel it was too much limitation to enjoy life
(can’t do this, shouldn’t do that), and it was too much investment for such an
unforeseeable future payback (promised heaven seems too long to be waited for).
Other people become indifferent, or practicing the rituals they like, or maybe not formally
accepting the Islamic norms and rituals but agree with the general values and principles to match
their own vision. Most of us though, are floating on the buoys of life, stroke back and forth between angels
and demons inside us. That is quite a battle to choose the angels because many
times it was not so easy.
problem is more internal, in each of us Moslems. How much of the rituals really
moved people to bring the best of ourselves to be independent and respectable,
to help each other, to build better surroundings, to live each day with
dignity? I don’t really know the answer. The concept of Islam, I believe, is a
very high level thoughts but at the same time is very simple, very close to our
heart and soul, to be a bless for the whole universe. So, maybe it will work
effectively if I approach this most important segment in bottom-up attitude.
High thinking is achieved through mindful rituals. Among the many, I want to
focus with the manuals : Al-Qur’an and Hadits.
I remember
there was time in my 17s, when out of my own curiosity I read the book of
Hadits carefully and thoroughly just like I read a novel. Event though I
might not understand the whole story, I was just enchanted by how Rasulullah
SAW said and did things. It was of the best book I read in my late teens. Then I recalled when my best friend Joe gave
me an Al-Qur’an as a send-away gift when I started working in Jakarta when I
was 25. I remember I got a small version of Al-Qur’an as my mahar (wedding
gift). I remember when I was pregnant with Miss K, I wholeheartedly recited
Al-Qur’an on daily basis and finished more than once. Those were the most
precious gift and the happiest moments in my life. The Qur’an and Hadist were not just being holy things, they also challenged
me to think and feel again about the essence of life. It will be
worth pursued again.
Lucky us to live in an
environment supported by technology. Words spread so fast. Ideas are developed and
enriched every second. One good thing happens after the other, including in our
urban Islamic communities. One of them is
The idea is to bring Al Qur’an as an integrated part of our daily life by regular
structured recitation. It reachs out young people –who are more willing to
embrace new ideas— using internet facilities to access their online community’s
support system.
I didn’t join “One Day One Juzz” online community, I was moved and challenged
by the idea and the movement of reciting Al-Qur’an one juzz during a day of 24
hours. The reluctance to join the online service is more about my time
management and preference to make the process private. Not that I don’t need
other’s supports atau saya sok pinter, tapi saya ngga mau
mengecewakan diri sendiri dan orang lain. I think I
have enough deadlines to deal with on daily basis. I admit, I wouldn’t be too
happy to add one more buzz from another group no
matter how nicely the reminder will be. I will feel guilty and uncomfortable. I wanna enjoy every step
along the way, just like in running. My true satisfaction was when I had my long
distance running alone, as far as I could go. No timer, no crowds, no comments.
So maybe
that’s how I will do a resolution-like of one day one juzz target
(oooooorrrr... maybe not exactly one juzz per day :p; just trying to log in some
juzz in a week). I pray for myself to be
istiqomah through the way to stick with the angels. It’s not about the target in numbers but how
I approach it as a part of my days. It should be a private,
comfortable, and meaningful process. Let’s
ask for Allah SWT’s blessing so that the results will be much more than doing
rituals and keeping the book. I’ll
just keep my fingers crossed!
Note: I started it on April 9th, 2014.
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